Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Here you go, kids...Your very own Kaptain Takeover Decoder Ring®!! See if you can decode the following message with it:

Simply copy the above message and click on it, then paste it in the box that appears (make sure you delete the default message already in the box) and hit decode!!

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Take the pledge and click on the certificate, below!!

As a member of the
Lost Science Clubhouse
I will obey the
following rules:

  • Don't Flinch Unless You're Hit.
  • Don't Run If You're Not Being Chased.
  • Last One To The Table Don't Get To Eat.
  • All For One And Each Man For Himself.
  • If It's Tight: WD 40, If It's Loose: Duct Tape.
  • The Only Way To Fight Ignorance Is With Arrogance.

Hey there Digital Pirate Buddies!! Ol' Kaptain Takeover has a big surprise for YOU!
Simply click on the certificate below and VIOLA!! You have a swell piece of paper you can write your name on and show off the fact that you're a member of the "Lost Science Clubhouse"©®!!
I could be wrong, but I think in some states it will actually allow you to teach college and perform weddings!!